I am from Buffalo...yes the cultural wasteland of America...well not quite that harsh, but close enough. The land of the chicken wings, sabres, bills, and a musical black hole. I have tried to listen to Buffalo bands (and I do own the Goo Goo Dolls record "Gutter Flower" it has about 3 or 4 decent songs), I have tried to listen to Cute is What We Aim For...that lasted an hour, Crush the Everlasting...ick, Passion Pit (the lead singer is Buffalonian...so that counts) mehhhh, they do show some potential. However, overall my quest to find a decent band in this city that I can post on my sorry excuse for a blog with pride (not that anyone reads my blog...but still its the thought that counts right?) has slowly diminished. Unless for some reason, I start to develop a taste for suburban rappers (we have PLENTY of those here) or really bad jam band music, it seems I'm out of luck. So I have made it a project probably out of desperation and boredom to find at least one solid band in this city this summer that I can write about....this will take some real effort. So starting, today and ending whenever I have given up out of exhaustion or frustration...I will find this mythical band and write about them...wish me luck, because I will need it. If you are a Buffalo band that happens to read my blog (I wonder if anyone does...but still) feel free to direct me to your band's website or myspace in the comments section below, believe me it will be nice to be proven wrong about Buffalo bands.