April 27, 2011

Yearbook Committee

So if you haven't been noticing a pattern, I have been combing SXSW showcasing artists (as well as Bonnaroo and Coachella and other festivals) for interesting acts. And can I just state the obvious and say there is a ton of artfully disguised crap out there? You have noooo idea how many songs I suffered through. I don't skip tracks I will brave through every terrible psychedelic music video and terrible vocal performance! Mostly because I actually believe you should give everything a chance...once. But anyways I also found some gems. This happens to be a great song and a great acoustic performance.


  1. We just stumbled upon this. Glad you like the song and thanks so much for the kind words! :)

  2. A gem indeed! This is great! Always nice when you find the needle in the haystack. :)
